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Three Tips for Making a Positive Impact in Your New Job

By: David Novak Leadership

When starting a new job, your first 90 days are critical. A good first impression will make a difference in the way you’re perceived by your boss and your new colleagues. This is why it is a good idea to understand the culture of the organization and your team during those first months on the new job.

Not sure how to do this?

Here’s a few tips to get you started:
  1. Sit down with other employees and learn as much as you can about the culture and vision of the organization.
  2. Once you have a good understanding of the organization, go to your boss and give a review of what you’ve learned, then ask for feedback. This allows your supervisor to confirm your observations and fill in any gaps you may have missed.
  3. Ask for help. As you continue to learn your job and the culture of your organization, find some trusted colleagues and ask for help. Share a challenge you’re facing and ask what they would do if they were you. This will help you get the counsel you need so you can make wise decisions about what to do next.

Now that you understand the culture of the organization and your team, don’t stop there. Take ownership of your career by taking the Essential Leadership Traits Program. The online program helps you develop the leadership skills you need to be successful at work and life. Schedule a free demo here.


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By David Novak Leadership

We want to help you transform your managers into confident, capable, engaging leaders so you can become known for being a company that drives great results by teaching your people “must-have” leadership skills.