Tom Brady, 6 Time Super Bowl Champ and 4 Time NFL MVP

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A leader both on the field and off the field, Tom launched TB12 Sports to help people achieve peak performance at any age.[/cs_text][x_gap size=”20px”][cs_text style=”margin-top:-20px;”][bctt tweet=”“When things don’t go right, I think about, ‘what can I do better.’ I try never to put it on other people.” – Tom Brady” url=”” ][/cs_text][/cs_element_column][/cs_element_row][/cs_element_section][cs_element_section _id=”17″ ][cs_element_row _id=”18″ ][cs_element_column _id=”19″ ][x_gap size=”10px”][cs_text class=”hidden” style=”line-height:1;”][bctt tweet=”“If you’re going to be successful you have to lead. And you have to make tough choices.” – Tom Brady” url=””]

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From Podcast Action Journal
Becky recalls a significant failure in her career. She was working with someone she respected to launch a new product. Becky thought they should do it in a specific way, but her colleague didn’t agree. Becky relented, and later a competitor launched the product her way with great success. Becky knew she was right but second-guessed herself. Despite the failure, she is grateful that it happened when she was young. She learned that the next time she needed to fight harder.

Have you ever experienced a failure? What did you learn?
If your colleague disagreed with you, how would you respond?

Becky has the following thoughts on recognition:
Feedback is a gift, something we have lost in Corporate America. Becky says, “If I am not giving you feedback, then I am not investing in you. If I’m not getting feedback, people aren’t invested in me.”

What is the best piece of constructive feedback you’ve ever received?

[/cs_text][/cs_element_column][/cs_element_row][/cs_element_section][/cs_content][cs_content_seo]Tom Brady, NFL Quarterback & 6 Time Super Bowl Champ

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Tom Brady was the starting quarterback for the New England Patriots for 20 seasons. He played in a record 9 Super Bowls, winning 6 of them, named MVP four times and has been selected to the pro-bowl 14 times. He has the highest combined regular and postseason winning percentage of any quarterback in NFL history.
A leader both on the field and off the field, Tom launched TB12 Sports to help people achieve peak performance at any age.
“When things don’t go right, I think about, ‘what can I do better.’ I try never to put it on other people.” – Tom Brady Click To Tweet

“If you're going to be successful you have to lead. And you have to make tough choices.” – Tom Brady Click To Tweet

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Attract and retain top talent by providing your managers with “must-have” leadership skills.Building People Capability First Leads To:

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From Podcast Action Journal
Becky recalls a significant failure in her career. She was working with someone she respected to launch a new product. Becky thought they should do it in a specific way, but her colleague didn’t agree. Becky relented, and later a competitor launched the product her way with great success. Becky knew she was right but second-guessed herself. Despite the failure, she is grateful that it happened when she was young. She learned that the next time she needed to fight harder.

Have you ever experienced a failure? What did you learn?
If your colleague disagreed with you, how would you respond?

Becky has the following thoughts on recognition:
Feedback is a gift, something we have lost in Corporate America. Becky says, “If I am not giving you feedback, then I am not investing in you. If I’m not getting feedback, people aren’t invested in me.”

What is the best piece of constructive feedback you’ve ever received?[/cs_content_seo]